The word America tastes like a too-sweet candy in an angry mouth. I swallow a potion every day to remember my 'name' and I have papers that call my birthright employment. Who is my greatest mother? All the names are of husbands, stray winds and no glass beads to palpate them. Xertz from a bleeding womb; looking back now, when I asked the self that shelves above me what the point is and she pointed at the labrynth. Attendance reigned at the beauty of my place there.
Now and still with red dotted lines under words that existed longer than the technology who deemed them God; I balance this.
World of honey and gold
with the evil that opposes it.
a fascinating historical account:
But we not done!

Many of us have rights to this land, as founders, as cultivators, as the original receivers of this space we tread on. Native peoples descendants have been long distracted and conditioned into believing this is land owned by a government, and that they have say over us. Research MOORS. Research NATIONALIZATION. By denouncing our nationality to BLACK or NEGRO, we are stating that the colonization/assimilation forcefully placed upon our ancestors is our heritage. I am not asking that we stop calling ourselves black people in every setting right away. Language is powerful and has been assimilated into us, with brutal force. We are not likely to jump at the idea of tracing ourselves back centuries to find that we are Moors, Muurs, Muuhrs, Aboriginal indigenous peoples who never once called ourselves black until colonizers came upon. Claiming black as our nationality may feel we are reclaiming ourselves, and for you that may be your truth. I urge you, in using or not using the words "black" and "white" to describe human beings, to research the origins of those words as defining names for our people. My truth is that although I identify with being a part of the black community, and do use it to address mentality and culture in regular daily life, that word has a deep original meaning and most folks who use it don't know the full history. I, myself would say I just dived into this research a few years ago, to me- that is recent, and I still have eons of knowledge to obtain about the subject. What I can discern from my general wisdom is that it doesn't make revolutionary sense to denounce a human being's entire tribal heritage to a color. Especially if we are diligent and committed to reclaiming our birthrights as a nation of people in a relationship with the land.
Click to keep fillin ya brain up
-a video by Rahsmariah Bey on the subject.
Please send me any videos or links or teachers you think I would benefit from researching!
Pce and love